Swap fees
Trading volatile assets: 0.4%
Stable assets: 0.02%
The distribution is as follows:
50% goes to voters
20% goes to tod/hod NFT stakers
30% is sent to the treasury
The formulas for reference
Assets with minimal to no volatility can be incorporated into a stable pool. The pricing formula for such assets allows for minimal slippage, even when trading in large volumes.
Stable pools: x³y + y³x ≥ k
Assets with high price volatility can be incorporated into a volatile pool, which utilizes a generic Automated Market Maker (AMM) formula.
Volatile pools: x × y ≥ k
Visual representation of the formulas
Mathematically derived formulas are implemented to ensure that the total pool liquidity remains consistent. Below, the differences between the stable (red) and volatile (blue) AMM pricing equations, where:
is the amount of first asset in the pooly
is the amount of second asset in the same poolk
is a fixed constant
Last updated